[Gocamino] A new book about an enigmatic Norwegian princess to Compostela

Sil sillydoll at gmail.com
Wed May 26 05:43:07 PDT 2010

el Correo Gallego reports on a new book:

During a tour in Covarrubias, Burgos, was how the writer Cristina
Sanchez-Andrade learned of the enigmatic story of Princess Kristina of
Norway, who traveled to Spain in the thirteenth century of marriage with
Prince Philip, brother of Alfonso X El Sabio.

"There were rumors that there was a medieval princess buried there, but it
was not known with certainty. In 1958 they had to make the cloister and took
advantage when moving the graves to open one which was supposed to be hers.
They found her mummified body, a cloth worn along with a recipe for bad
ears. She is believed to have died of meningitis. It seemed all very
romantic, "says Sanchez-Andrade.

It was quite a sight, so the Galician author began researching the life of
this woman and eventually decided to transform it into a novel, *"Los
escarpines de Kristina de Noruega"*  "What is most shocking is that after a
long journey and coming to a place so different to her own country, Sevilla,
dies after four years of being there, a somewhat mysterious death. I think
it's a story that has a lot of magic and is not well known. "

In fact, despite the fact that Cristina traveled to Norway, just to
find information on the enigmatic princess, there is very little
documentation even though she met with historians. "We only found out about
the trip to Spain but no more."

An issue on which the book focuses is the obsessions that marked the lives
of people and almost transmitted by blood. "Kristina becomes an obsession of
Castile Berengaria La Grande, grandmother of Alfonso X the Wise of Castile
to bring a princess of the North".


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