[Gocamino] [Santiagobis] YouTube video of Camino Aragones

Robert Spenger rspenger at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 30 10:43:09 PDT 2010

Thanks for that Ralph. I hope to get back on track on that route again, but I don't know when I can get to it.

What surprises me is that there wasn't a single scene that looked familiar to me until the photo of the Eunate. Of course my previous trip was done 10 years ago and I often stuck to the highway instead of wandering off onto the marked routes. I am especially puzzled by the old river crossing just before Jaca. I have read recent descriptions of the problems with that crossing and I have wondered what they were all about. I don't remember anything at all like that. Again, it may have been that I stayed on a highway.

Obviously San Juan de Peña was unfamiliar, since I didn't take that side trip. In fact, I never even heard about it until long after I returned from that trip in 2000.

The Eunate itself was something that I didn't see on that trip since I bypassed it, going from Monreal to Pamplona and thence to Puenta la Reina, two 20km legs of the triangle instead of the one 30km leg. It was on a much more recent trip on the regular camino francés that I did the Eunate as a short detour.

The shot of Somport was really surprising. The pass was completely deserted when I went through there in 2000. As far as I know, the only refugio in the area at that time was in Canfranc Estación and I didn't even see that one because I booked in at the first hotel I found as I entered that town. My first refugio experience was at a private one in Artrieda - half way along my 1000 mile trip. The first municipal or parochial type refugio was the old one at Pamplona, which was quite a culture shock after the dearth of fellow walkers for the first 6 weeks.

Even my own recent trip on the French part of the route there were a lot of sections that seemed unfamiliar. I didn't get very far on it - less than 100 miles, from Arles to Lodève. Except for the cities themselves and the route up the Gorge d'Herault, very little of it was familiar. Partly this is because I sometimes had to take to the highways on that earlier trip and part of it is that there have been a lot of (confusing) route changes.

Bob S.

On Jun 30, 2010, at 9:03 AM, Ralph Alcorn wrote:
I haven't got the trip report together yet, but I did put together a video of our walk from Oloron-Sainte-Marie to Logroño that we just finished. If you have walked it, I think this will bring back memories: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBt4kWbc86Q&hd=1
Ralph Alcorn

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