[Gocamino] A Novena of Prayer to St. James: July 16-25

Sil sillydoll at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 23:39:04 PDT 2010

From:  St. James Cathedral, Seattle

Each year in Santiago de Compostela, a special novena of Masses is prayed on
the nine days leading up to the solemn feast of St. James, July 25.  During
the novena, the scripture passages that refer to Saint James are read - and
there are many of them!  James was one of the first disciples Jesus called.
James was with Jesus on the mount of Transfiguration, he was with Jesus when
the daughter of Jairus was raised from the dead, and he was with Jesus in
the garden at Gethsemane.  This year, we join in that prayer with a special
feature on the Cathedral website.  Each day you'll find a Gospel reading and
a reflection that shed light on our great patron saint.

Here is our Novena Prayer, based on a prayer of Pope John Paul II, prayed at
Santiago de Compostela in 1989.

St. James!  We come to you in eager pilgrimage.
We come as part of a great throng of pilgrims
who through the centuries have come to this place,
where you are pilgrim and host, apostle and patron.
We come to you today
because we are on a common journey.
Place yourself, patron of pilgrims,
at the head of our pilgrimage.
Teach us, apostle and friend of the Lord,
the WAY which leads to him.
Open us, preacher of the Gospel,
to the TRUTH you learned from your Master’s lips.
Give us, witness of the faith,
the strength always to love the LIFE Christ gives.
We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


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