[Gocamino] 2009 Stats

Sil sillydoll at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 00:52:09 PST 2010


Pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela grew by 16.6% in 2009
Pursuing the compostela volume issued by the Pilgrim Office, 125,141 of
145,877 by 2008.
According to the data handled by the Office of the Pilgrim, were 85,945 men
who completed the Camino by 59,932 women,
How to do it was very diverse: 120,605 foot, 24,892 bike, 341 horses and 39
in a wheelchair.
For age distribution was as follows: 1,272 children under 12 years, 12,303
between 12 and 18, 34,608 between 18 and 30, 28,670 between 30 and 40,
25,483 between 40 and 50, 24,989 between 50 and 60, and over 18,552 60.
As to the motive for the pilgrims made the Camino de Santiago, 62,188 of the
respondents replied that due to religious and exclusively for religious and
132,491 others, while 13,386, ie 9.18%, said the religion had nothing to do
to hit the trail.
More than half (79,007) of the Compostela pilgrims who applied in 2009 were
Spanish and foreign representation was Germany's largest with 14,789
pilgrims, followed by Italy with 10,341, France 7459, Portugal in 4854 and
2540 U.S. .
The path he has followed most of the pilgrims is the French Way, namely
113,001 people, followed by the Portuguese Way with 11,956, the 9183 North
Road, the Via de la Plata with 6,254, with 3388 the Primitive Way, the Way
English in 1793, and the remaining paths counted 302.


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