[Gocamino] Pilgrims

Rosina blaroli at aol.com
Wed Dec 1 16:32:14 PST 2010

Hello you all,
As of yesterday, the last day of November, 264,675 pilgrims had received the Compostela this year.
It is believed that quite a number of pilgrims who timed their arrival in Santiago to coincide with the Pope's visit didn't have an opportunity to claim their Compostela because the pilgrims Office was open only for a very, very  short time on November 6th and, besides,  the crowds in Quintana and Platerias squares were so overwhelmingly dense that it was impossible to get anywhere near the office anyway. A great many of those pilgrims (most of them, in fact) were returning to their homes that very night or quite early the next morning, so they missed out in getting the Compostela and, consequently, in being counted.
Was it worth it?
I most certainly think so.

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