[Gocamino] recent messages

Robert Spenger rspenger at earthlink.net
Sun Aug 8 14:40:49 PDT 2010

After a long series of trip reports to 3 of these 4 camino forums, I had only a few scattered, brief responses, but all were favorable I am happy to say. I was concerned that since the reports were so long I should have been sending them as archives instead of as forum messages. The lack of response is not surprising. There was not much response from the individuals on my mailing list either, and at least two of them (including my daughter) admitted to me in person that the messages were so long that they had put off reading them and had not looked at them yet.

I did not include GoCamino in my report address list, since that group has restrictions on receiving messages that have been sent out to a long list of addresses. Actually, this time I could have included it, since I sent this trip’s reports after I got home and was sending more individualized messages and one set would have been to these 4 camino forums to which I subscribe. GoCamino accepts messages sent to a small list like that.  I didn’t think of that until after all of the reports, except one last one, were sent.

I find it amusing and ironic, that after this weak response from the forums – that have been relatively dormant for quite some time, I should get an avalanche of responses from all 4 as a result of one simple question about an apparently controversial subject, i.e. cell phones. The forums suddenly blossomed out like our local deserts after a rainstorm. Most of it was favorable and some was very helpful indeed. A couple of them were negative, but still useful in that they brought in another perspective. Interestingly enough, both of them were on the GoCamino list.

I am still working on the last report, a sort of combo epilogue, retrospective, and projection of the next attempt. I will probably stick a copy of this one on all 4 forums. (I try to spell that with an a instead of the ums, but I am using MSWord and the application insists on separating the r and the a.)

Bob S.

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