[Gocamino] Filming in Galicia 2009 & 'Las Peregrinas'

Grant Spangler gaspangler at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 24 09:36:32 PDT 2009

Queridos Peregrinos,
The four Variety magazine articles - Filming in Galicia 2009 - are now integrated into a single PDF. Six pages, original source links and good page breaks for printing.
I'd like to encourage you all to view "Las Peregrinas" and then go give Sue some support. Like may of us, the Road changed Sue's way of life. She has recently stepped waaay out in faith, in a way most of us would not dare. Would you negotiate with your employer to work simply for 'Donativo'? Probably not, but this is the major step Sue has recently undertaken. Since I know she would never mention it, I just did. Way to go Sue. You have taken it from the theoretical to the real world. That's the real Camino.
Please allow about 20 seconds for the video to load and buffer. It will load faster for folks with a higher speed Internet, and longer for those with slower connections. If it hickups from heavy bandwidth demand, just pause it for about a minute, then restart it. We had to play off video quality versus bandwidth demands on your ISP. The video quality is 'very close to DVD', and therefore makes demands on your Internet connection.

Buen Camino, 
Resources for the Pilgrimage Road to Santiago 

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