[Gocamino] Camera found near Hospital de Orbigo

Sil sillydoll at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 07:51:05 PDT 2009

I have offered to pass on this message from Allison:

"On thurs 17th Sept, we found a camera on some wood slats round about
Emplane (near Hospital de Orbigo).  It was the day it rained for about 8
hours and we stopped to put more rain gear on.  This is probably what
happened to the camera owner too. The last photo is of a young guy who had
on a yellow rain pack cover.  We had hoped that this would make him easy to
find, but the bad weather forced a lot of people to stop earlier than they
had probably planned. We were in Santiago until Sunday but we couldn't find
them. We took it to the pilgrims office and showed it to some people in
Santiago.  We recognised the faces on it as did others but noone could find
the people in the photos,
The P.O. wouldn't take it so we brought it home with the intention of
putting a posting on a forum."

If you lost a camera on that day, please contact ja.convery at hotmail.co.uk
and describe the camera to them.  It could be yours.

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