[Gocamino] A slooow via tolosana anyone??

Robert Spenger rspenger at earthlink.net
Sun Nov 22 13:31:29 PST 2009

I thought that my recent three stage trip from LePuy to Fisterra would  
put an end to this obsession, but now I am getting the bug to repeat  
part of my very first  walk (in April to June of 2000), starting from  
Arles, some time in the early Spring of 2010 (like mid April to late  
May). I would not go any further than Puente la Reine - if that far -  
and it would be at a snail's pace - 15-20km/day for the most part.  
After Puente la Reine it would be much too crowded and I have no  
desire to get into that.

I am posting this to see if there is anyone else interested in doing  
such a slow pilgrimage.

Bob S.

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