[Gocamino] Albergues, map, route guides

Rosina blaroli at aol.com
Fri May 29 07:35:12 PDT 2009

Hello you all,

By going to:


you can see a very nice multicolored map showing the various routes of the Camino. By clicking on the name of a specific route, from those listed below the map, you will access that route's specific map and?general (concise and very interesting) information about it, including stages, albergues and so on.
While it is written in Spanish, most the information given is easy to follow. But do let me know if you would like a translation of the general information given about a specific route.

By the way, the legend given above the?408 albergues listed on the following site:



"All the stages and albergues one by one.? Here you have all the Camino albergues grouped by route and stages. If you wish to locate the albergues in a specific stage, select the route and the stage in the following:

????? Route?? _________________? (select one)???????? stage (thereon)________________-??????? "



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