[Gocamino] Fw: Women travelers at a disadvantage

Grant Spangler gaspangler at hotmail.com
Wed May 27 06:39:24 PDT 2009

Um, Albergues are as individual as people. 

Some have separate facilities, some do not. I've had Peregrinas breeze by me as I'm taking a shower more than once (Melide). They don't look, I don't shriek. I've also had them sneak into the Boy's Room if their side is too congested (Zubiri). Oh well. C'est la Chemin. I have found that most everyone accords each other with a great deal of privacy and respect by simply averting their eyes. It's an internal thing, giving others privacy since you want privacy yourself. A self-governing bunch of strangers that behave well together. What a concept.

Sane  Camino,  

Grant Spangler
GASpangler at hotmail.com

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