[Gocamino] Pilgrims' Rights booklet

Sil sillydoll at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 08:41:21 PDT 2008

The Xunta de Galicia has published a guide for pilgrims who collect their
rights as consumers

The Ministry of Industry and innovation of the Xunta de Galicia today
introduced a guide with information on the basic rights of pilgrims, edited
by the Administration to "respond to multiple consumer relations" along the
The department explained today that the publication has an initial print run
of 12,500 copies and is published in Galician and 8 other languages, for the
thousands who walk the Camino de Santiago every year and with the goal of
pilgrims who "know their rights and what is the most effective way to
exercise them."
The guide, which relies on the cooperation of Galego Consumer Institute and
the SA Plan of Xestión do Xacobeo, will be distributed through the network
of public shelters and may be consulted on the website

The booklet is divided into five parts. The first refers to the various
roads of Santiago. The following provides an overview, requirements,
recommendations and pricing issues. The third deals with practical issues on
transportation, accommodation and mobile telephony, among other data.
Also, the guide covers the resolution of disputes and consumer reports on
the European Consumer Centre. Finally, it offers a directory with phone
numbers, addresses and web pages more useful for people travelling on the
Road to Santiago.

http://www.diariometro.es/es/article/ep ...

PS: The link : http://igc.xunta.es/pls/portal/docs/PAG ...

is for the 48 page colour booket.



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