[Gocamino] question about CITY OF LADIES excerpt

DoSnover at aol.com DoSnover at aol.com
Wed Dec 31 08:51:33 PST 2008

Dear Rosina, Sil, and Sue, 
In the years past I have so enjoyed being  nourished by the very many and all 
of your messages in regards to  the camino and the st james way pilgrimage. 
The work that you three  have accomplished in the name of promoting the 
journey, the personal  documentation both in the present and in the past, "the way's" 
many  benefits, reasons, hopes, and people is astounding.  I am sure  there 
must be vast legions of contributors reading this and I applaud every  effort 
that goes unmentioned, as I am unaware, yet most certainly  have benefited and 
remain appreciative of. I truly feel lifted up by your  thoughts, reflections, 
books, work, blogs, movies, continued and  fervored interest. 
In particular I was fascinated to learn about the  journey of the spirit 
festival upcoming in Rome highlighting  the experience of pilgrimage, and that 
there will be no "products or  souvenirs" sold.  What a delightful discovery, 
other pilgrimages  in Brazil and Mexico, that I was unfamiliar with. 

Recently too, at least within the last six  months, I believe I read there 
was renewed interest in the Arles path. Part of the reason for my lack of 
knowledge in regards to these other  pilgrimages is that for the last few years I 
have been knee deep in research and  writing. City of Ladies is a novel that 
maps a  woman's journey as  a bread apprentice in 16th century France. Eleone  is 
fiercely determined to learn the art of bread making -- a dangerous ambition. 
 The society of bakers is closed to women, and violation of this prohibition 
is  punishable by death. She travels from Condom in Gascony along  the path 
towards St. Gilles to learn more about her gypsy mother who was  from Arles. 
This spring I am actively seeking an agent for  representation.

Just so I won't plunder your entire new year's eve day  by reading further, I 
am wondering if you, and anyone who reads this,  might have any suggestions 
for submitting an excerpt to a web site, or an  on-line pilgrimage magazine, or 
perhaps even a literary journal with a  historical focus that might be 
looking for fiction  submissions. 
Many merci's in advance and may the most joyous  journey, 2009! be ahead for 
Warmth, Dorette
C'est  si Bon! owner and chef, Dorette Snover 

persimon pudding,  caramel profiteroles and poulet apicius
c'est si bon! teen culinary  tours 2009: chapel hill, paris and arles 

C'est si Bon! Cooking  School
Chapel Hill, NC
919-942-6550  (http://www.cestsibon.net/) _events &  news_ 
(http://cestsibon.net/events.shtml)   (http://www.cestsibon.net/) 
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