[Gocamino] Santiago updates

John Rafferty johnrafferty at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 30 11:17:51 PST 2007

I was very interestd in the changes being considered by the Cathedral in 
Santiago in light of the abuses which are increasing.

My own view is that it is inevitable as the pilgrimage routes grow in 
popularity that sharp practice from tour operators will emerge. I have 
absolutely no diffilculty personally in there being only one recognised 
Credencial authorised by the Cathedral Authorities. This could be made 
available through the world wide network of Confraternities.

I see a driect link between getting the Credencial and getting the 
Compostela - the value of the Compostela will become nothing if anyone, with 
any kind of credencial without proper validation of prilgrimage gets it. And 
of course the celebration at the Pilgrims' Mass is a celebration of the 
journey's end to which the Compostela is witness.

Of course we wish to encourage new pilgrims but the the Camino to Santiago 
could easily become a secular free for all.

Best  wishes


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