[Gocamino] More news from Santiago

blaroli at aol.com blaroli at aol.com
Thu Nov 29 12:56:44 PST 2007

Hello you all (cont’d)

As mentioned, the “tiraboleiros” (the guys that make the Botafumeiro fly) are not happy with the new rope.  I was fortunate enough to attend a Mass when the Botafumeiro was brought out, and having seen it several times before I could tell that, indeed, it bounces while on the air, and the guys have to bend down almost to the floor to make the mechanism work.  The new rope is made of synthetic fabrics interwoven with steel strands and is not only heavier then the previous ropes but it stretches, which characteristics present a problem. Some officials are scouting the countryside to locate the plants from which the natural fibers of the old ropes came in order to try to replicate them.

Nevertheless, seeing the Botafumeiro fly continues to be touching to the point of tears and heart-tugging admiration.

Because of the immense number of pilgrims expected in 2010 it had been pre-planned to hold masses in Quintana Square. The plan has been reconsidered because the Holy door opens to Quintana, and the number of pilgrims in serpentine lines, six abreast, waiting to go through the door covers the entire square.  New plans are being worked out to hold the Masses in Obradoiro square. 

You know, when one has been away from Santiago for a while and goes back it is striking to realize that the Cathedral is, really, rather small.

It is also being considered, unfortunately, to eliminate the use of the Botafumeiro altogether during 2010, except, perhaps, for Easter and Christmas.

A lot of work is being done in the Cathedral; those parts that have been cleaned out look very lovely. But the columns of the Portico de Gloria are now out of bounds.  The Tree of Jesse and the two columns by its sides are surrounded by metal barriers that prevent their being touched, so that putting one’s hand in the ancient hollows is no longer possible, nor is it butting one’s forehead with Maestro Mateo’s.

There is a tremendous amount of work to be done in the Cathedral and its surroundings, and several present day pilgrims are doing what the ancient ones did hundreds of years ago: bringing building stones to help out in the effort.

Santiago continues to be beautiful in ineffable ways that gladden the heart and calm the soul….. what a blessedly mysterious and magnetic place. No wonder it attracts people in the millions..

All sorts.


There is a story today in the Santiago newspapers of a guy who climbed the Holy Door to embrace the statue of Santiago above it. An understandable desire, perhaps. But the guy was absolutely and entirely naked…. And he hovered up there, in the altogether, for about 15 minutes…. Until the cops talked him into coming down. 

Oh well!




Even if you don't read Spanish, you can see pictures of the naked guy atop the Holy Door going to www.elcorreogallego.es 


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