[Gocamino] Cameras in Santiago

blaroli at aol.com blaroli at aol.com
Sat May 19 07:34:47 PDT 2007

Hello you all,
Sil has posted a site that  accesses  cameras  showing views of three (of the four) squares around the Cathedral, and of the ambulatory people in them, and of two inside views of the Cathedral.
Lovely, evocative and active views of the Quintana, Praterias and Obradeiro squares can be seen. The Quintana view includes the entrance way to the Holy Door and the door of the Archicofradia's information office.
For some reason, Azabacherias Square is not included (?)
Also, the English translation is not precise.  The pictures of the inside of the Cathedral refer to it as the Cathedral's "ship".  This is a mistranslation of the word "nave" which, when applied to  a church means the long narrow central hall of a church in a cruciform that rises higher than the aisles flanking it.
While in Spanish the word "nave" also means ship this is not the meaning intended in the titles of the pictures. 
(By the way, Columbus' voyage was not made on three caravels; the Santa Maria was a "nave" which was a larger ship built by the Portuguese (a "nao") so that its surface and holds would resemble somewhat the interior of a church; the Pinta and the Nina were carabels, which were smaller and designed differently).
At any rate, the site for the cameras is:
Please note that the last word. camaras, is spelled with three "a"s, which is the  spelling in Spanish. 
Thanks again, Sil. You really are a doll. The pictures and videos have made me very much aware of my need to go to Santiago for spiritual nurture and soul-joy.  If I didn't have to go to Rio next Tuesday, for my one free week before May 30th, I would take off for Santiago forthwith.
And, Grant, thanks for the words to the Hymn that accompanies the Botafumeiro.  I had no idea.
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