[Gocamino] Leon - Santiago

Grant Spangler gaspangler at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 15 20:50:47 PDT 2007


I simply did the math. Devon said he had 12 days to go from Leon to 
Santiago. 310 km in 10 days would be 31 km per day, or 19 miles in US 
currency. 310 km in 12 days would be 26 km per day, or about 16 miles 
Imperial. Towns and albergues don't seem to fall on exact divisibles of the 
total distance traveled. Thus, you get to walk farther than hoped one day, 
but less than you could actually muster the next. A weekend of walking 
seemed like a good idea at the time. Perhaps I was mistaken.

Buen Camino,


Grant Spangler
GASpangler at hotmail.com

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