[Gocamino] Leon Cathedral

Glenn Guha2005 at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 5 09:41:57 PST 2007

I recently read the Michener book, Iberia (published about 40 years ago), and in it he noted that he saw the Leon Cathedral lit up from within in the early hours of the morning when very few other lights were on in the city.  He was taken to a vantage point outside the city to take full advantage of the sight.  He said that was one of the most marvelous scenes he ever saw in all of his travels.  Because of how much stained glass there is in that cathedral, it appeared to him as though the entire structure was held up by light...one could not see the stones that indeed supported the structure.

I was just in it twice in the day time and I must say that it was the most impressive structure I was ever in...that is why I returned!  It just felt so sacred.
My question is:  do they still light up the Cathedral from the interior to show its magnificence to those outside?  Has anyone of you experienced this?

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