Fwd: Re: [Gocamino] Fwd:  A Traveler's Highway to Heaven

Bridget Highfill highbell at sbcglobal.net
Thu Dec 13 21:01:37 PST 2007

Jeff an Patricia's stories of shell gifts encourage me in that generousity does not have to be original.  I too have a shell story.  I was walking from Le Puy to Conques and it was a hard day for me.  Blisters and bed bugs were taking their toll on my stamina.  A couple were walking and would pass me, and later I would pass them as they rested.  On one pass, the man took a rotten piece of old wood and started whittling.  Later that day, we again met, and he gave men a scallop shell carved from the wood.  He had made one also for his wife.  We all spoke of where we were headed and he encouraged me to shorten my day's walk.  That evening, there were just 4 of us in the gite.  We ate a wonderful dinner and shared many stories.
  Today, my scallop sits on my book case and reminds me of  the gentle advice and generousity of the Chemin.
  Thanks for letting me share my small miracle.

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