[Gocamino] Misleading information

Sil sillydoll at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 12:37:57 PST 2007

I am sorry this got a bit off the subject.  (How did we end up with Don
The post that set me off on misleading information (including the awarding
of scallop shells in Santiago) was the one by Grant about the new book "A
Traveler's Highway to Heaven" which he compared favourably to "The
Pilgrimage Road to Santiago - The Complete Cultural Handbook by David
Gitlitz & Linda Kay Davidson".
Now, I happen to be rather passionate about Linda's book and consider it to
be *THE* definitive book on the camino and I was quite excited about a new,
equally well researched and written book.  Then I read the few pages on the
link Grant added - the introduction and the excerpt on a chapter on
Roncesvalles - and I must admit I got all huffy about the incorrect
information in the book.
I have walked St Jean to Roncesvalles and know that it is 3km from Ibaneta
to Roncesvalles, not 1km as he claims.
I felt quite strongly him about telling pilgrims that before setting off in
their hired cars along the camino they should drive up to Roncesvalles to
get a pilgrim passport (Sacrilege!!)
And that they could attend the morning pilgrim mass for a blessing (what
morning pilgrim mass?)
That they should have their 'passport' stamped at monuments etc and add up
the mileage walked around towns (horror!!) so that they could satisfy the
'churchmen' in Santiago that they had walked the required 100kms!!  (OMG!!)

And then, if that wasn't enough, they could expect to be given a scallop
shell badge for their efforts!  AAArgggh!!
This author has broken nearly all the 'pilgrim' rules in the book.  He needs
to do a lot more research (he could start by looking at Grant's website
which would have given him all the necessary information) before anybody
actually buys his book.


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