[Gocamino] nitpicking

Sil sillydoll at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 07:14:54 PST 2007

Sorry Eileen - the double post came from me - don't know why that happens?
And, the Wiki info I copied and posted also came out funny.  No more
nit-picking over scallop shells!
But, I *would* like to recommend Walter Starkie's classic account of his
pilgrimages to Santiagio to anyone who hasn't already read it.  His book,
more than any other, switched historians, art critics etc onto the old
camino path.
In the book - The Pilgrimage to Santiago by Linda Davidson and David
Gitlitz, Linda says: "David's imagination had been fired by Walter Starkie's
vivid account of his pilgrimage experiences in the 1950's.."

On 06/12/2007, eileen.hamer at insightbb.com <eileen.hamer at insightbb.com>
> Opened my email this morning and thought "Great, lots of Gocamino mail,
> yum!"
> But sadly, much of it was repeat, don't know why that sometimes
> happens.  And most of it sounds like a bunch of pissy old maid bureaucrats
> having a rather malicious gossip session.  Can't we do better?
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