[Gocamino] Pilgrim dies on way to Roncesvalles

Sil sillydoll at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 03:11:50 PDT 2007


This is a google translation of the report:

 An English dies travelling that was lost near Roncesvalles during 18 hours
The firemen of Burguete found alive, but he passed away in the Hospital of
Navarre Travelling an English died yesterday in the Hospital of Navarre
after having been lost during 18 hours in Ortzanzurieta, near Roncesvalles,
from the eight of afternoon of Tuesday. The firemen of Burguete had found it
alive but cardiorrespiratoria underwent a shutdown. Shortly before, the
firemen had rescued to another travelling one, this one Italian, misled in
the same zone during all the night. LAURA PUY MUGUIRO. PAMPLONA. Size of
letter: | to print | to send A travelling one, to its passage by
Roncesvalles in a snow-covered day. JESUS DIGES (EFE) The firemen knew that
travelling the English was lost when asking two Italians for him in
Roncesvalles. They told that the three had been joined on the eight of
afternoon, but that shortly after and due to the intense fog lost of Vista
the English, resident in London. They also had become lost in the section by
mount that separates the French locality of Saint Jean Pied de Port and
Valcar them, very dangerous at this time by the snow, the cold and the wind.
These meteorological conditionses were Tuesday yesterday and. Of the
conversation with the Italians, the firemen deduced that, instead of
following by the col of Lepoeder, the English had turned aside itself of the
Way of Santiago. After two hours and average of long walk between precipices
of much slope, regatas and zones where the snow covered until the waist, the
three firemen found to the travelling one. He was fallen down on the snow,
and were the three of afternoon. They sheltered with his clothes and
blankets to him and requested to the helicopter that arrived until a clear
one to rescue to him and to transfer it to Pamplona. But it began to snow
and the apparatus could not fly. Helped by other two companions, they
initiated the knocked down way of return with the travelling one in a
stretcher. Half an hour later, two agents of the Civil Guard and others of
the Leasehold Police were united to them. On the six of afternoon and
already in the ambulance, the travelling one entered shutdown
cardiorrespiratoria, and the medical aid put under to him resuscitation
workings during two hours, before initiating the passage to Pamplona. In
addition, due to the snow that fell, snowplows had to lay way to the
ambulance, that went escorted by the Leasehold Police. But the travelling
one passed away when entering the hospital. Search at daybreak Also to a
hospital of Pamplona the Italian that three firemen of Burguete, companions
of the previous ones, had located hours before, on the eight was lead
travelling in the morning. Then, they took from the one of the dawn looking
for, after to have warned the own traveller to him Navarrese Sos. Of 54
years, it in the morning maintained contact with the center of coordination
of emergencies until the five. But the battery of the moving body finished
to him there. Until then, it had given the instructionses to the operator of
Navarrese Sos, that transmitted the firemen. These looked for to him without
success by the Stop of Ibañeta and Ortzanzurieta, under the snow, rain and
the cold, between ventisqueros with up to two meters of snow. On the six in
the morning agents of the Group of Rescue and Mountain Intervention (Greim)
of the Civil Guard joined themselves, and all returned to divide the zone to
follow with the tracking. In the proximities of the col of Lepoeder, two of
the firemen discovered tracks and they followed them. Shortly after they
found to the travelling one. It underwent one hypotherm.


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