[Gocamino] Las Peregrinas

Sue Kenney sue.kenney at sympatico.ca
Wed Oct 18 15:37:16 PDT 2006


Ever since I walked the Camino in 2001 alone in the winter, it has become my life. I developed an philosophical approach that is based on being a pilgrim on the Camino as a metaphor for a way of living. I walk, talk, eat and sleep the Camino even though I live in Canada. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't mention something about the Camino. I believe it is my obligation to share the stories of the Camino and that's what I do. My respect and honour for the Camino cannot be described. Some people have accused me of abusing the Camino for commercial reasons, and that has been difficult for me to bear, but I continue on the path.

After hundreds of hours of editing and support from a group of very committed individuals, an 85 minute Camino documentary film has been completed. It's called Las Peregrinas, the women who walk. It's the journey of five women who walked a section of the Camino with me in October 2005. The film will be screened at private Gatherings held all over the world on six continents the weekend of November 3rd, and I am expecting that over 2000 people will view it over three days. 

It's my way of giving something back to the Camino. 
I want to thank you for being a part of my journey.

Love and light,


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