[Gocamino] hiking sticks/poles

Hathor821@aol.com Hathor821 at aol.com
Thu Mar 30 20:15:14 PST 2006

I don't know Rosina....I am happy and have lots of good  stories to tell 
which means my life is a wonderful history book....maybe one day  in my golden 
years my grandchildren will go to sleep with the adventures being  told to them 
by no other than me, the one who had them.  Anyway, just a  question that is 
rather unusual.  How is the weather by the end of next  month in Roncesvalles 
and all the way to Santiago?  What to do in case of  thunder...other than 
praying and asking for a ride to the next town...any  advice?  are there any little 
huts with a roof for 'peregrinos' other than  the alberges.
Warm regards,
>From Miami

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