[Gocamino] Little Saint

Kathy Gower kathygower at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 17 20:21:02 PST 2006

Little Saint is a lovely book, and Hannah Green's walk from LePuy to Conques 
is a classic.  It was an incentive for me...especially her description of 
the "Rock of Fevers" near the the Black Madonna in the LePuy Cathedral.  She 
also speaks of the many dolmens along the way, highlighting the ancienct 
aspects of the route, and some of the delights:  harvests, characters and 
the soul of the area.

Her descriptions of Conques are also true for me, all those years 
later...and for those travelling there, Conques is a wonderful place to rest 
for a day or two.  When Hannah was there, however, the Premontre monks 
weren't there yet....with their angelic singing and hospitality.  Well, 
you'll experience it for yourself....

For those who have experienced all of the magic of the Via Podenensis 
(spelling, apologies), there is "Slow Breath of Stone" by Pamela 
Pietro...about the rock and stone the churches and cathedrals of the area 
are buit from, the Kingsley Porters, photographers of the "Romanesque 
Churches of the Pilgrimage Way" in the early 20th century, and some of her 
own inner stuff.  A good read in many ways.

It's always delightful to read the views of others, but even more to 
experience it all for yourself and make it your own.



From: "Mr Charles Rush" <c.c.rushassociates at verizon.net>
To: <gocamino at oakapple.net>
Subject: [Gocamino] Little Saint
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 22:43:39 -0500

Dear All--I am reading a wonderful book on Sainte Foy and Conques, called 
Little Saint.    It was written by an American, Hannah Green, who lived on 
and off in Conques in the late 70s.  I am interested in other opinions of 
this book..  Reading it makes me more anxious than ever to begin my walk in 
Le Puy and to savor every moment, especially the ones I spend in Conques.

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