[Gocamino] Scallop shell

Kathy Gower kathygower at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 15 20:27:42 PST 2006

Interesting that you ask what constitutes a scallop shell...

There are many different versions of why a scallop shell and even if a 
scallop shell is "earned", that is, one gets one when one reaches Santiago, 
and not before.

Personally, I had a tiny silver charm necklace (still do) and not a real 
scallop shell until I reached Santiago and ordered a dish in the square 
along the Plaza of the Cathedral.  It was a scallop in a shell which I 
meticulously wrapped and brought home.

There are several shops all along the way that sell scallops on cords or 
smaller pins with a Santiago cross emblazoned.

There are legends or probably myths about pilgrims bringing scallop shells 
back and them being ground into mortar for some churches---Roslyn Chapel 
comes to mind...but there are many such stories.

If you really want one, you can get them in any fish market, or smaller ones 
just lying on the beach.

Royal Dutch Petroleum (Shell) put out a book years ago about the scallop 
shell (it's symbol) and the stories about it, including the bridegroom story 
and many more.

Let us know what you do...


From: Jethess777 at aol.com
To: gocamino at oakapple.net
Subject: [Gocamino] Scallop shell
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 21:44:31 EST

Hi Everyone,
      I will start   on my first camino in July, starting from Sarria.
Question: Where would I get the "scallop shell"?   What constitutes and 
scallop shell?

      Samantha, good luck with your camino!   All the best!   I know exactly
what you mean by the logistics of figuring out how to get to your start 
as a true introduction to the camino.   In my case, I will be coming from
Lisbon to Lugo, spending the night at Lugo, then taking the bus down to 
which will be my start point.

      -J. H.
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