[Gocamino] Missions of Baja California

Eldor Pederson eopederson at msn.com
Sat Oct 15 04:29:49 PDT 2005

Just returned from 2 weeks walking on the Chemin de Stevenson in the 
Cevennes of south central France, I am finally catching up on email. I have 
been reading with interest the postings on walking between the Missions of 
(Alta) California. At various times I have lived in both northern and 
southern California and find the prospect of walking some of the stretches 
between the missions daunting indeed. Hours of walking alongside I-5 or one 
of its siblings would be true penance! It is most interesting to read the 
descriptions of walks from those who have made the various treks.

The Missions of Alta California were part of a larger chain, one which 
stretched from near the southern tip of Baja California north to Sonoma. An 
equallly daunting challenge, but a very different one, would be a walk 
between the missions of Baja. From  John Steinbeck's descriptions of his 
trips in the 1950s, more than a few writers have described the difficulties 
of travel on that desert peninsula. Some of the missions, like San Ignacio, 
are easily accessible from the main highway, but several of the others, and 
some of the ruins, are in remote inland locations accessible only by 
difficult trails. Remote from towns, food, and most importantly water, 
getting between those missions would be a major challenge, and not one I 
would attempt. Has anyone made the walk or given serious thought to making 
such a trek?

E. O. Pederson

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