[Gocamino] Re: California missions

Robert Spenger rspenger at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 5 07:54:28 PDT 2005


Joe Bañales has been researching (i.e. walking parts of) the mission  
route in the Southern California from San Diego to San Fernando and  
further, I have lost track of just how far. This is the worst part  
for walkers, of course, since it is solidly metropolitan. The center  
part is still relatively rural, so there are some good walking  
sections. Check out the following URL:


I believe that Joe has reported his results on a website (and also at  
the S.B. meeting, which was held, appropriately, next to the S.B.  
Mission) and I was trying to find it by doing a Barney on "Mission  
Walk." I'm sure that I have the URL for it somewhere buried away in  
my bookmarks, but I can't remember where. But, anyway, the search  
brought up Jan Haag's narrative and I was sure that you would find  
that interesting. As I pointed out, the distances, for the most part,  
are too long for the average walker to do in a day, so it is  
necessary to find suitable stops in between. Cyclists have it easier  
and there has been at least one report by a cyclist who did the north  
to south route a few years ago. (The prevailing SW winds make that  
the recommended direction - at least for cyclists.)

I will continue to look for Joe's reports, but in the meantime I  
thought that it would be worthwhile to bring Haag's report to your  


Bob S.

On Oct 5, 2005, at 5:30 AM, Rebekah Scott wrote:

Is it possible still to walk from one to another, or have freeways  
and railway lines and "civilization" made that impossible? Such a  
cool idea, a California Camino! I remember a couple on my Spanish  
Camino discussing it, but they were in their 70s and conceded a  
younger crowd would have to take up that cause.

Rebekah Scott, periodista
Westmoreland County bureau
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette USA

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