[Gocamino] Bilbao to Roncesvalles

Jeff Mayor jmayor at occ.cccd.edu
Tue May 31 11:13:07 PDT 2005

Last week my son did this very thing. Here is what worked for him.
Landed in Bilbao at 9pm at the airport on a Tuesday evening. Took the 
bus into town (1 euro) and without a reservation found a room near the 
downtown bus depot. (don't know the name 35 euro for the night). He 
than caught the 6am bus to San Sanbastian (one hour ride) and caught 
the 10am train to Pamplona which arrived around noon. He told me that 
the next train didn't leave for Pamplona until around 6pm and he was in 
a hurry to not delay, which is way he caught the 6am bus from Bilbao. 
They leave every hour from Bilbao for S.S. When he arrived in Pamplona 
he met a German pilgrim and they were going to share a taxi to 
Roncesvalles, but the cabs were on strike, so he waited for the  only 
bus at 6pm from Pamplona and arrived by 7pm. He said it worked out 
great because all 50 or so people on the bus were pilgrims and when 
they arrived in Roncesvalles, they where greeted with creditials, a 
mass and a group meal, so it was perfect. Incredibly, within 36 hours 
he got from Los Angeles to Roncesvalles. He got up at 4am the next 
morning, walked back to Pamplona by 2pm local time and made Logrona in 
4 days. He has not met any American yet but if you see him, he's the 
guy walking 5-6 kil. per hour. Ahh to be young again.

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