[Gocamino] 17-year-old pilgrim

Eldor Pederson eopederson at msn.com
Tue Mar 29 08:15:14 PST 2005

I would be hard pressed to offer you and your son more encouragement for his forthcoming solo walk on the Camino. It may well prove the best summer of his life. I certainly wish I had made a trip of a similar nature at his age. 

One suggestion, make it a requirement of your support that he use the frequent Internet cafes to send progress notes to you. It is a way for a parent to monitor the trip, albeit through a filter, but more importantly it can become a record for him. Print and save the emails on paper, for they will prove an excellent way for him to remember the trip in later years. Or he could keep a paper diary for the same purpose as he progresses along the way.

E. O. Pederson

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