[Gocamino] Quiere leer el libro "1000 km en burro..."?

Stuart Thompson stuart7691 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 5 17:16:52 PDT 2005

Last night I finished reading an interesting book by a Spaniard (de Leon) named Segundo Borlan.  The title "1000 km en burro..." is somewhat of a misnomer.  He actually rode, successively, two different burros from Roncesvalles to near Leon, and then a horse from near Leon to Santiago de Compostela.  My pedantic quibbling aside, it was an interesting read.  

This is probably unsurprising, but I was interested to note that, unlike other Camino stories written by non-Spaniards that contain a great deal of explication of what the Camino is, this one provides no such explication.  If the book was intended (and it appears to have been so intended) largely or wholly for a Spanish audience, it seems axiomatic that no such explication was necessary.  

Se escribe en castellano, pero si alguien (que vive en los Estados Unidos) quiere leerlo, usted podria enviar su direccion postal a mi. Usted no tiene devolverlo a mi si usted podria hallar a alguien mas a quien usted podria enviarlo.

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