[Gocamino] The weight of boots, part 37

Rebekah Scott rebrites at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 13 07:18:27 PST 2005

My socks' worth:
I did the whole trip with an old pair of Vasque low-rise boots and a pair of Teva sandals. 
Under the boots I wore a pair of thin Cool-Max "liner" socks. I'd brought along some wonderful SmartWool hiking socks that were great back home in Ohio, but they crowded my toes in Spain. So I dispensed with them and stuck with the thin ones; I bought more thin ones at a shop in Logrono. They lasted the trip and are still around, 3 years later, going strong. 
I never wore socks with my sandals; (somehow I never got into that "Euro" look!) I did hike several days just in the Tevas to give my feet (and my boots) a break. The sandals were also nice for evenings after the long hike, and for walking in funky shower stalls. The sandals are still around and useful as well. 
The boots bit the dust, though. We parted ways in Finisterre. 
Trial and error. 

Rebekah Scott, periodista
Westmoreland County bureau
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette USA
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