[Gocamino] Re: [Santiagobis] electronic dictionaries

Lynne Gilberg lgedit at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 11 10:27:08 PDT 2005

No electronic device can possibly be lighter or smaller than the old
editions of the Random House Vest Pocket Dictionary. Look for the
cloth-bound. I just found both a Spanish- and a French-language version by
using Google (of course!).

I¹ve had mine for decades, in several languages, and they are truly
lightweight and tiny and more than adequate. If a particular word isn¹t
there, use a synonym. Travel is an adventure. If your verb isn¹t exactly
right, no one cares; what the locals do care about is that you are trying.
This observation has never failed me. Big smiles work, too. And, there¹s
always playing charades....

If the electronic translators are anything like the internet translations,
you could be in for more that an adventure!
lgedit at sbcglobal.net

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