[Gocamino] Saint John Paul 11????

Sil sillydoll at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 10:45:05 PDT 2005

There has been much speculation that Pope John Paul will be canonized
sooner, rather than later.  If so, I am sure that the pilgrim roads to
Rome will grow, very much as the camino has.  The following is an
excerpt on the establishment of the Cultural Routes of Europe (Of
which there are about 24).
"In 1994 on the representation of the Italian Ministry of Tourism, the
Council of Europe agreed to promote the theme of the Via Francigena,
to complement that of the Pilgrim Way to Santiago de Compostella. The
itinerary chosen revived another ancient pilgrim walking route to
Rome, which reached its peak in the 13th Century. It follows the route
walked by the then Archbishop of Canterbury, England, when he went to
Rome in 990 to meet Pope John XV. The Ministry of Tourism set up work
groups and exhibitions and conventions were organised. An important
aim was to set up a route for the Jubilee in Rome in the year 2000. In
Italy the Via Francigena crosses the road to Santiago, which gives the
traveller a chance to change routes."

You can visit the VF Association at www.francigena-international.org


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