Via Francigena

claudia castellani claudietta67aHOTMAIL.COM
Mon Oct 11 10:38:06 PDT 2004

Thanks to both of you! In fact it was that Confraternita I was referring to.


>From: Maura Santangelo <maurasantangeloaSTNY.RR.COM>
>Reply-To: Road to Santiago Pilgrimage <>
>Subject: Re: Via Francigena
>Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2004 02:26:58 -0400
>I have received from la Confraternita' di San Jacopo in Perugia a
>booklet  on the Italian section of the via:  L'Eredita', guida
>pellegrina sulla via Francigena, Monica Atti e Franco Conti.  The web
>page also has a diary of a pilgrimage which gives the stages from
>Perugia to Arles  Through the web page
>below you can access an order form for other guides.   There are also
>maps and descriptions on  the maps
>seem a schematic, though I will try to see how well I can follow them
>on some of the sections closest to home, so will try both the section
>near Viterbo and those by Siena.  there must be a section closer in
>Umbria since San FRanceso walked it.   I am afraid that printing all of
>that information will result in a heavy and somewhat cumbersome package
>to carry for the pilgrimage itself, but it makes good reading.
>Good luck to all who are interested.
>PS the guide from Perugia is in italian
>On Monday, October 11, 2004, at 12:55  AM, Robert Spenger wrote:
>>Check out:

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