gocamino Alternatives for backpack

backpack45scb rbalcornagmail.com
Mon Nov 1 09:54:10 PST 2004

Beverly, we saw someone with a two wheeled device they pulled,
something like a shopping cart but it looked sort of awkward. If you
have pared your gear down to the essentials, about all you are
carrying is clothing that is needed for safety in case of a change in
the weather, a couple of sock and underwear changes, water and a
sleeping bag or sleeping bag liner. About all you could have safely
shipped to the next spot would be the sleeping bag, extra socks and

By the act of wearing clothes in your every day life, you are carrying
two or three pounds on your back, by enjoying holiday meals maybe
another five lbs. If your friend is healthy maybe they could carry
four pounds for you. If you want to walk from hostel (small hotel) to
hostel rather than refugio to refugio, you would not need sleeping
bag. Even in refugios, they usually provide a light blanket that with
a sleeping bag liner, is sufficient. Not always. In Sept, Roncevalles
was cold, and maybe 3 or 4 other refugios.

If you can carry a fanny pack you could carry lightweight rainwear,
warmth layers, water, and a strong friend could do the rest.
Ralph Alcorn

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