Boot sprays, ponchos & knives

Jeffrey Crawley jt.crawleyaUKONLINE.CO.UK
Wed Mar 17 15:39:32 PST 2004

Don't forget it's just the inner lining that's gore-tex, you can get a spray
that acts as a repellant/waterproofer to protect the outer boot.

I always use it, it doesn't seem to affect the breathability of the gore-tex
though I'm none too sure how much more waterproof it makes the boots but my
feet never get wet so who knows?

You can get ponchos that are more like a tube than the conventional
multi-use tarp type; sometimes it can be a pain pulling the overtrousers on
and off - you can just hike the poncho up to pack height like curtains
(drapes if you prefer). Female hikers tell me they can help make "comfort
stops" feel a little less vulnerable.

Swiss Army knives - probably the best designed can opener on a penknife so
long as you remember to cut FORWARDS (ie rotate the can clockwise as you
look down on it) - much better than the can opener on my Leatherman juice.
Also, if you wear glasses, you can buy a small screwdriver for tiny screws
that stows away in the coil of the corkscrew.

If you don't drink wine or intend to open cans go for a cheap and cheerful
Opinel lockblade knife - carbon steel holds an edge longer than stainless.


----- Original Message -----
From: Duke Klassen <dklassenaMN.RR.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 7:30 PM
Subject: Re: poncho? knives?

> Should gore-tex boots be water-proofed or are they already waterproofed
> when you buy them?  Does water-proofing prevent the boots
> from  "breathing"?
> Thank you
> Duke Klassen

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