Por la paz ...

claudia castellani claudietta67aHOTMAIL.COM
Sat Mar 13 23:53:58 PST 2004

The tragedy of human beings is that sometimes they have been obliged to make
war to defend peace.
If it was just a matter of peace and war, I really think that everybody on
this earth would shout his or her unconditional love for peace. Nobody here
in this list or outside of it is so stupid or mad to desire war or to love
violence for violence's sake.
The problem is how to cope with a small, a very small minority of people who
are doing their best to cause a world war.
Should we let them kill thousands of innocents around the world without any
Gandhi didn't say this. And Jesus said: give to Caesar what it is of
Caesar.... (I am not able to translate it in English).
St Francis prayer is fantastic, but it is no political leaflet. This prayer
is addressed to our souls and to us as single individuals in front of God.
Both St Francis and St Ignatius de Loyola, and Marco d'Aviano, and surely
many other saints or religious people were also knights or fought in various
I don't agree with complete pacifism. If I did, I would ask the policemen to
leave their guns at home, etc etc.
I think complete pacifism is a Utopia. For the Catholic Church it is called
heresy. To be precise, it is called Marcionism. I tell this just as an
information, not because I think you have to agree with me. I am only
expressing my opinion and trying to clarify the Catholic Church idea of
"extreme pacifism". Today there is some confusion about these concepts, but
I believe in what the Catholic Church has taught for  about 2000 years, and
not to the latest "news" created by fancy post-Vatican 2nd theologians.

Some friend of this very interesting list called it "a virtual hostel (or
albergue)". This is a great definition. I think it is right to talk about
shoes, socks, blisters, spiritual aspects and also about what is happening
in the fantastic country where the Camino takes place.
Thanks to all, and I repeat ALL, the contributors of this list. I am richer
inside everytime I read your messages. Even if I might not agree with some
of them. But it is part of the freedom of expression we should try to defend
from the new barbarians.


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