camino information

Robert Spenger rspengeraEARTHLINK.NET
Tue Jul 27 15:14:47 PDT 2004


Within the membership of GoCamino, there are probably as many different
takes on this as there are members (over 300), and there are occasional
arguments about it. But the most recent reference to this has nothing
to do with GoCamino. It was a ruling by the archdiocese of SdeC itself
(in connection with the Maritime Route). They are the ones who make the
rules for the issuance of the compostela. Whether we agree or disagree
with these rules has very little to do with the matter.

R. Spenger

On Jul 27, 2004, at 2:17 PM, MEREDITH BOYLAN wrote:
> On a slightly unrelated note, I am discouraged by the distinction
> there seems to be between "true" pilgrims and "tourists."

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