English no, Communication si.

Rebekah Scott rebritesaYAHOO.COM
Fri Jul 23 11:14:07 PDT 2004

I've been on both sides of that fence, so to speak. I have two languages: English and German. I fell in love with Spain, and so I found I had the WRONG second language!

I wandered Spain several years with translators and phrase books, and am finally buckling down over the past couple of years to learn Spanish myself. What finally convinced me to do so was traveling in Germany with Americans, and being a hosptialera in Spain among Germans. I was always expected to translate, as you are.
It was horrible! I was exhausted and crabby every evening, and finally figured out it was the stress of constantly being ears and mouth for this gang of people...none of whom had any idea they were imposing on me.

You are courageous to take your family members into the Galician hills. I'm sure they don't know what they are in for; I'm also sure they will be forced to be enterprising...some people can do that, others find it impossible. This will be healthy for them; if not for you!

Maybe you should, as you walk and pray, ask the Holy Spirit for that Pentecostal-type "gift of tongues," so everyone can understand one another enough to preserve harmony.

You are a gift to many.

Rebekah Scott, journalista
'The more I learn, the less I know.'

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