Language..(enough! )

Jose Cano josecanoaIIES.ES
Sun Feb 29 13:38:08 PST 2004

On Sun, 29 Feb 2004 12:11:16 -0500, Patricia <cmpstlaaINTERISLAND.NET>

>I second that- let's get back to the Camino..

Sorry! I would like to come back to the language topic, but I do not
intend  to argue.

In fact I only would like to know, if any of you, mainly the linguist,know
the  "interlingua": Interlingua is a international language, elaborated for
professionel linguistics.

The text that follows has been witten in interlingua for a linguist and
pilgrim who is trying to introduce this languaje in the Camino to
facilitate the understanding betwen people speaking different languages.
Can the english speaking people understand that?:

Il es importante que vos sape que le Cammino mozarabe penetra duo del
regiones magis callide de Espania: Andalucia e Extremadura. Camminar in
estate pote converter se in un molestia si vos non conoce iste minime
normas de securitate:
· Il es imprescindibile portar un cappello protegente le capite,
melio cappello de ala large, pro que le umbra coperi le collo e le
auriculas e evita erithemas in iste zonas ubi le pelle es plus sensibile.
· Benque nos semper recommenda evitar peso superflue, in le caso del
aqua, il es necessari portar sufficiente de illo, super toto si in le
trajecto tu non conta con approvisionamento secur. Non oblida le aqua,
super toto si le calor deprime.

· Temperaturas: il non es rar que in julio e augusto le temperaturas
pote arrivar a 35ºC in le 12 a.m. e montar usque le 40ºC intra le 14h e le
18h. Isto significa que le melior horas pro ambulare es ab le 6 a.m. usque
le 12 a.m. e ab 18h usque 22h, totavia con luce.
Corage! Kilometros plene de historia spera vos!

Hermenegildo de la Campa. Grupo Etymon. "

Buen Camino, pepe

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