Over 60's too

Liz Allen peaceplanet_6400aYAHOO.COM
Thu Apr 15 20:40:47 PDT 2004

Dear Kathy and Phil:
Will look forward to meeting you in SJPdP or somewhere along the Way - we have not really planned an itinerary - my trip is open-ended, my friend is on a time schedule. Glad I started a trend with the 60+ club, seems there are quite a few of us active seniors who are walking the Camino this year -
Kathy & Phil Dahl-Bredine <kpdbaPRODIGY.NET.MX> wrote:
Hi Liz,

My husband and I (also 60+) are spending a few days in Paris, then taking a train to Saint Jean Pied de Port on April 30 or Mary 1 to begin our walk.  We only have 3 1/2 weeks, but we do want to get to Santiago, so we're planning to hike over the Pyrennees, then walk, taking buses over certain portions as needed in order to still walk the last 100 kilometers and make it back to our flight from Paris on April 23.

We're Maryknoll lay missioners working in Oaxaca, Mexico, and this is our first Camino.  We've really gotten excited about it since our son, who learned about it from Paulo Cuehlo's book "The Pilgrimage", was on his first Camino on Sept. 11, 2001, when he stopped into a little bar on the way and saw the towers falling.  He had a presentiment that there would be a war-like vengeful response forthcoming, so he felt called to go home and do what he could to work for peace.  He still plans to go back and finish the pilgrimage one day.  In a sense we feel that we're walking it for peace in the world also. What greater cause?

Hope we'll meet on the road,
----- Original Message -----
From: Liz Allen
To: GOCAMINOapete.uri.edu
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2004 2:12 PM
Subject: Introduction

I am an older (60+) female originally from California, who will be walking the Camino beginning May 1 2004 with a friend from N. Carolina. Our reason for walking will be for world peace. We will be walking from St. Jean Pied de Port to Santiago de Compostela.
My background as a peace activist in a number of different arenas throughout the US as lead to this walk. Particularly of importance and also I am interested if anyone who might be walking around the same time, and anyone who plans on travelling to Barcelona to attend the Forum 2004.
My friend does not have computer access, therefore I will happily transmit any relevant data or information needed to make this walk successful and relevant in this year of war and violence throughout the world.
I do have a copy of your wonderful book, Linda - it is full of great historical information about the pilgrimage. Also a copy of a Spanish phrase book - would request a general sense of how fluent one should be to communicate with the Spaniards - or like most places in the world do many speak English- or more French -
Looking forward to getting some comments going, sharing information, and possibly getting to know in advance some of the others who will be sharing this route over the May-June period.
Liz Allen

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