administrator's notice

davidson davidsonaETAL.URI.EDU
Tue Apr 13 01:40:09 PDT 2004

Hi to all Go-camino-ers.
I want to let you know that I'll be "on the road" again - not the Santiago
road, but the road south through Spain and into Morocco to do research for at
least a month. I'll leave France thursday, so if you need anything, please let
me know in the next two days. After that I suspect that I'll be using
computers only sparingly until June.
This means that the list will continue merrily along as it has in the past few
years on its own with the great help and commaraderie of pilgrims all.

Please write me at for any specific needs.
Yes, "Friends" of the Road to Santiago does continue to offer newsletters,
memberships, and credentials as always - by writing the address in Kingston,
Rhode Island. My special friend who is running the works there is attentive as

Linda Davidson

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