Biking the Camino

Rebekah Scott rebritesaYAHOO.COM
Sat May 31 13:17:17 PDT 2003

Another word to the wise biker, from a hiker who's been there:
PLEASE get a bell or some type of warning device if you plan to use primarily hiking trails, or at least shout out when you approach hikers!  Some of these trails are very narrow and crowded; some of the hikers are elderly and/or not  quick on their feet. Your bike takes up more of the trail than you think.

 I've seen bikers come up fast and quietly from behind and smack right into backpacking grannies, I've been sideswiped myself by pannier bags, which is no laughing matter to one with a nice case of shin-splints!
(I also saw a fast-moving spandex biker literally taken down by a gang of said grannies and poked with their  walking sticks. The previous day, the same guy had blindsided one of their companions and taken her off the Camino altogether.) (All this done in a spirit of Christian love, no doubt.)
Just be courteous.

Rebekah Scott, journalista
'The more I learn, the less I know.'

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