An introduction

Rebekah Scott rebritesaYAHOO.COM
Mon May 26 14:17:27 PDT 2003

 Sister, Just do it.
Sounds like you've been bitten by the Camino bug. If you let something like exchange rates, etc. stand in your way this time, your heart will still long to go, until you say YES and just do it.
Walking the camino is very difficult, even if you weigh just a little and you work out all the time, you're straight and wealthy and  white and from wherever! You have your work cut out for you, but it sounds like you know what you want, you've paid your dues, you're accustomed to serious challenges.
  Thousands of people have faced the same challenges before  you, and done their camino.
   For some people, it's a calling. Like Jonah, who said "no" till the calling came and swallowed him up, this one will not leave you alone! You may not experience a Deluxe Visa-card Camino.  It may take you a long, long time to finish. You may be stared-at, questioned closely, and you may get blisters, you may have to finally drop some weight before starting, if you know you must, just for your own health's sake. (Don't die out there!)
   You're in for the biggest, toughest adventure ever. You know what you need to get started, and you know only YOU can do the work required. It' isn't the things you do that you regret, finally. It's the things you DON'T do!
   So do it. Run with courage, this race set before you.

Rebekah Scott, journalista
'The more I learn, the less I know.'

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