
Crawley, Jeffrey jeffrey.crawleyaFABERMAUNSELL.COM
Tue Jul 29 06:06:05 PDT 2003

Yep, EVERYBODY who has slept in a dormitorio has to put up with it.

When I get a cold I snore so put a 1/2 inch strip of micropore tape across bridge of nose (roughly from under centre of eye to centre of eye) at a level where the bone stops - works wonders.  A good solid prod with a tungstan tipped hiking pole can be effective, earplugs seldom help and can fall out so I use a Buff scarf as a blindfold/earplug retainer, low volume music from a walkman or mini-disc can sooth you (or help your Spanish lessons).

One suggestion I heard, Semtex, would probably wake EVERYBODY up :o).

Anyone care to know how the Naked Pilgrim programme is progressing?

-----Original Message-----
From: Dovrtel Janja [mailto:JDovrtelaONKO-I.SI]
Sent: 29 July 2003 13:27
Subject: snoring

Has anyone had some experiance with snoring people or how to stop snoring or how to sleep in snoring background 
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