afterdreams/coming down after the high

Crawley, Jeffrey jeffrey.crawleyaFABERMAUNSELL.COM
Wed Jul 2 01:03:29 PDT 2003

That and looking around for your rucksack everytime you get up to go somewhere.

This is probably psycho-babble but it may have something to do with not wanting such a life changing experience to end.

I noticed even the speed walkers were slowing down to a snail's pace the last few days.

Most poignant of all though, was on the bus heading east from Santiago on the way home.

We were three perigrinos on the bus, myself and a young French couple. As we were going through San Martin (west of Leon) there were a string of pilrims heading in the 'right' direction. We cheered them and waved and all the other passengers must have thought we were crazy.

But we were in a little glass box, being transported after five weeks on foot and back in the 'World', the pilgrims couldn't hear us.

We were no longer on the Way.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Hough [mailto:caminooakappleaYAHOO.COM]
Sent: 02 July 2003 02:40
Subject: afterdreams

I have been having camino dreams every night since
finishing.     They usually seem to involve looking
for food or albergues or finding my way.    They are
neither sweet dreams nor nightmares, more like just
reliving as it was.   I had no idea it was imprinting
so deeply.

At least
one of my companions reported frequent dreams like
these afterward.     Is this a common condition?

In contrast I don't remember similar dreams about the
Pacific Crest Trail, but I have only been doing that
for a week at a time so that cumulative imprinting may
be missing.

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