Camelbaks vs Nalgene

Martin Ray brermartinaWEBTV.NET
Fri Jan 24 05:37:23 PST 2003

Have "given away" my Camelbak because it makes the water taste bad --
this plastic outgasses toxins, and water is the universal solvent.
Smell & taste communicate with the highest centers in the brain and are
our first lines of immune defence! (Thought some of you would like to
know.)  Glass (breakable) and Nalgene (not), are basically non-reactive;
though every month or so of use, they should be cleaned out (bacteria
will build up) with "Oxyclean" (preferably), or a Clorox-type product,
then rinsed out well.  Porcelain is also good, if embedded with silver
-- the silver will release colloids into the water, rendering harmless
any & all bacteria from accumulated build-up -- though it is still
important to have clean water to begin with -- "alive" water being the
best. Since our bodies are ca 70% water, this just touches on a very
important subject....
our bodies are like batteries, also needing salts in order to stay
energized during this long hike...  best wishes to all, I'm starting off
from St Jean PdP in mid-April     Martin Ray

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