What to bring and what not to

Lia Laura Puglesi keyl_1336aYAHOO.COM
Mon Jan 6 12:59:25 PST 2003

220 is the voltage I have ALWAYS seen in France and Spain. A voltage conversor here is about 3 dolars and it is convinient to get them before you leave. I got 2 of mine in France anyway, but in a big city. But if your shaving machine has an adaptor to 12 volts already incorporated (I mean to convert from 110 to 12 volts, as it is the rule in many machines that come into contact with human skin) you can ask someone in a electricity warehouse in the US to sell you directly a conversor from your shaving machine into 220. so you don't have to carry both cords and plugs and you don't loosetension while using it. Iv done that with the machines I brough from Argetina as well as with the machines I 've taken from here to there.


<td align="center"><img src="http://www.basuranuclear.org.ar/img/varios/banner.gif" width="122" height="101"></td>

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