Funniest posting ever - Digital or Film

Joe English santiagowalkingaHOTMAIL.COM
Tue Feb 25 01:38:22 PST 2003

David Foote wrote " We were driving the Camino and we had a lap
top, so we downloaded all the day's pictures into the laptop each night.
 Carrying a laptop when walking may not be an option."

Thank you David for brightening up my morning - I think your message is
the (obviously unintentionally) funniest I have ever seen on this or other
Camino related sites. On a very regular basis we have very involved
discussions on this listserv on the subject of what to carry, and more
specifically what to leave out. People go into great detail over saving an
ounce here, or the availability in the shops of some absolutely essential
item along the Way. I doubt if anyone has ever considered carrying a
laptop before, or indeed if it has even crossed anyones mind.
Were you speaking with your tongue firmly stuck in your cheek, when you
innocently suggest that carrying a laptop 'may not be an option'?
I'm still giggling - thank you so much

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